


Senin, 26 Desember 2011


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Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Fakta-Fakta Menarik Tentang Eminem

Fakta-fakta menarik, mengejutkan dan lucu tentang Eminem 
Selamat membaca bro

1. Nama lengkap dari Eminem adalah Marshall Bruce Mathers III. Ia menemukan kata "Eminem" dari inisialnya sendiri, M&M (Marshall Mathers) , kemudian jika lama-kelamaan disebutkan menjadi seperti "Eminem".
2. Eminem lahir di st. Joseph, MO pada tanggal 17 Oktober 1972, dengan zodiak Libra.
3. Minuman favorit Eminem adalah Mountain Dew
4. Eminem menulis dengan tangan kiri (kidal)
5. Eminem menggunakan kacamata karena ia menderita rabun dekat
6. Rambut yang kini dia miliki adalah hasil potongan sendiri
7. Warna kesukaannya adalah light blue (biru muda)
8. Tinggi badannya adalah 175 cm (5'9")
9. Ukuran sepatunya adalah 10 1/2 atau sekitar 28,5 cm
10. Nama sekolahnya pada masa SMA adalah Lincoln High School, Warren, Michigan, tempat dimana ia bertemu dengan Kim, karena mantan istrinya ini satu sekolah dengannya.
11. Nama lain selain Eminem adalah Slim Shady.
12. Eminem tidak merokok
13. Eminem memiliki rambut pirang (aslinya coklat) dan mata biru.
14. Ia menyukai acting, seni, basket, football, hang out dengan teman-temannya, mendengarkan musik, rap, nonton film dan menulis
15. Film favoritnya adalah Scarface dan The Matrix.
16. Sewaktu kecil ia pernah ingin menjadi seorang komikus.
17. Ia pertama kali mengetahui HipHop dari pamannya, Ronnie.
18. Eminem menulis lirik rap pertamanya di dinding kamar tepat sebelah tempat tidurnya, dan sering di marahi ibunya karena membuat kotor.
19. Eminem tidak naik kelas sebanyak 3 kali di kelas 9, dan akhirnya dia keluar dari sekolah dan berkonsentrasi di HipHop
20. Eminem merupakan anak bertubuh paling kecil di sekolahnya. Oleh karena itu ia selalu di tindas dan di intimidasi.
21. Ia pernah mendapat gagar otak (kerusakan otak) dan patah tulang karena di pukuli di masa sekolahnya, oleh temannya yang bertubuh besar bernama Bailey D'Angelo (Eminem menceritakan hal ini dalam lagunya yang berjudul Brain Damage) 
22. Eminem memiliki buku yang di tulis olehnya berjudul The Way I Am.
23. Eminem berperan sebagai James 'Jimmy' Smith Jr. alias B-Rabbit di film 8 Mile, film yang keluar pada tanggal 8 November 2002. Film ini menceritakan kehidupannya sebelum terkenal.
24. Sewaktu bayi, Marshall kecil dipanggil oleh keluarga dan kerabatnya dengan panggilan Mickey (Mouse) karena telinganya yang besar.
25. Semenjak menjadi rapper terkenal, setiap malamnya ia selalu mambaca dan mempelajari setiap kata yang ada di kamus untuk menambah vocabulary-nya.
26. Eminem pernah berpacaran dengan Mariah Carey.
27. Eminem adalah penggemar Spider-Man.
28. Eminem menyetir di California.
29. Dr. Dre tidak tahu kalau warna kulit Eminem adalah putih sampai mereka bertemu. Kemudian Dr. Dre mengatakan, "Aku tidak peduli warna, ukuran (karena Eminem memiliki tubuh yang tidak besar) ataupun umur, asalkan mereka bisa nge-rap". 
30. Nama managernya adalah Paul 'Bunyan' Rosenberg. Ia menjadi manager Eminem sejak tahun 1995.
31. Ia mendapatkan sebuah Mercedes S1500 dari Paul untuk ulang tahunnya yang ke-31.
32. Eminem 'peduli' tentang politik, tercermin dari lagunya yang berjudul Mosh dan We As Americans. Ia juga tidak menyukai Bush (ada lirik "F*ck Bush" di dalam lagu Mosh)
33. Eminem mulai tertarik dengan HipHop pada saat ia menginjak umur 12 tahun. Ia terdorong untuk menulis lagu rap ketika mendengar lagu Reckless milik Ice-T.
32. Ketika Eminem berumur 17 tahun, ia terus mengulang lagu Dear Mama milik Tupac di mobilnya. Menurut Eminem, Tupac adalah penulis lirik terbaik sepanjang masa.
33. Tom Green dan South Park bisa membuat Eminem tertawa seperti orang gila.
32. Eminem suka bermain arcade di rumahnya. Dia punya Popeye, Dig Dug, Ms Pacman, dan sebuah mesin pinball Jurassic Park.
33. Eminem menonton Dora The Explorer, Hey Arnold, dan Power Puff Girls dengan putrinya, Hailie.
34. Eminem memakai cincin silver bertuliskan "Dad" yang di berikan Hailie pada saat Hari Ayah di tahun 2002.
35. Ketika menulis lagu, Eminem lebih suka memulainya dari sudut atas kertas, terus kebawah tanpa memerdulikan garis-garis yang ada di atas kertas.
36. Eminem mengaku inspirasi lagunya akan datang ketika ia berdiam diri di toilet.
37. Eminem memberikan salah satu Grammys nya pada Paul Rosenberg di tahun 2000.
38. Eminem memiliki Yukon XL hitam yang mencakup GameCube, pemutar DVD, dan sistem Alpine stereo.
39. Eminem memiliki satu anak kandung, yaitu Hailie, dan dua anak angkat yaitu Alaina dan Whitney. Keduanya adalah keluarga Kim. Mereka bertiga tinggal bersama.
40. Ternyata Eminem masih suka gugup ketika akan naik ke panggung. 
41. Eminem pernah menjadi pelayan sementara di sebuah restoran bernama Lodge Gilbert di St Claire Shores, Michigan. Ia sering menulis lirik di kertas pesanan. Ketika teman-temannya datang untuk makan, ia akan menyebutkan menunya dengan rap.
42. Semasa sekolahnya, Eminem merupakan anak yang sangat susah mendapatkan teman. Ia lebih suka menyendiri. Ketika teman-temannya bermain, ia lebih memilih untuk membaca komik atau menonton TV. Memasuki kelas 8, ia mulai bersosialisasi. 
43. Eminem adalah orang yang takut Jerapah dan laba-laba! Katanya ia tidak menyukai leher jerapah. 
44. Eminem pernah bekerja untuk sebuah pabrik yang bernama Gibbs Machinery ketika ia berusia 16 tahun. Dia memiliki banyak pekerjaan sambilan (menyapu lantai, membuang sampah) dan juga bekerja di pizza Ceaser Little.
45. Ketika baru menikah, Eminem dan Kim tinggal di lingkungan yang di sebut "Black Neighborhood" . Jadi mereka biasanya menjauhi jalan tertentu dan rel kereta api karena di jaga oleh para preman. Eminem pernah melewati salah satu jalan itu dan ia di pukuli, dan di tembak sekali.
46. Eminem menikah dengan Kim di usia remaja.
47. Eminem pernah di tahan karena mengeluarkan pistol kosong di tengah kerumunan dengan pasal mengganggu ketentraman orang. Ia melakukan itu karena mendapati istrinya, Kim, berciuman dengan seorang lelaki di pinggir jalan. 
48. Sebelum tattoo foto anaknya, di tempat tattoo itu lebih dulu tattoo bertuliskan "Slim Shady".
49. Nathan, adik Eminem yang lahir pada tahun 1986 ada di video musik nya, yakni Without Me, dimana Nathan berperan sebagai kakaknya, Marshall, dan Eminem sendiri berperan sebagai Debbie, ibunya.
50. Eminem mengaku bahwa dirinya gaptek atau gagap teknologi. Ia bahkan mempekerjakan orang untuk membuka situs Twitter untuk meng-update dan membuka situs YouTube untuk mengecek klip-klip yang ada di situ. “Jika saya belajar bagaimana menggunakan komputer, maka saya akan gila melihat semua komentar tentang saya yang ada di internet,” kata Eminem.

Senin, 21 November 2011

10 Rapper Terbaik Sepanjang Masa

10. Lloyd Banks

Lloyd Banks Top 10 Best Rappers Ever

9. Krayzie Bone

krayzie Top 10 Best Rappers Ever

8. Bizzy Bone

bizzy bone Top 10 Best Rappers Ever

7. Jay-Z

jay z Top 10 Best Rappers Ever

6. 50 Cent

50 cent Top 10 Best Rappers Ever

5. Nas

nas Top 10 Best Rappers Ever

4. Notorious B.I.G.

notorious big Top 10 Best Rappers Ever

3. Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne Top 10 Best Rappers Ever

2. Tupac

Tupac Top 10 Best Rappers Ever

1. Eminem

eminem Top 10 Best Rappers Ever

Kamis, 10 November 2011


D12 - How Come

D12 atau dikenal pula dengan nama Detroit Dirty Dozen dan D-Twizzy, adalah grup rap yang berbasis di Detroit, Michigan.

Sejarah D12

Grup ini dibentuk pada tahun 1991 oleh Proof. Grup ini terinspirasi oleh klan hip hop seperti Wu Tang Clan yang punya anggota relatif cukup banyak. Proof sendiri mengundang rapper Detroit lokal lainnya untuk bergabung dalam grup ini, seperti Bizarre, Eminem, Eye Kyu, Killa Hawk, dan Fuzz. Dalam perjalanannya, banyak kru grup ini yang keluar masuk karena pengorganisasian ala band independen yang masih kurang baik. Pada pertengahan tahun 1990-an, D12 mendapat anggota baru, Blizzard, tetapi keluar tak lama sesudahnya.

Beberapa dedengkot D12, seperti Proof dan Bizarre, berhasil mencapai prestasi musik lokal. Tetapi pencapaian mereka tak cukup untuk mengangkat D12 ke panggung industri musik major, hingga salah satu anggota mereka, Eminem, dikontrak sebagai proyek baru oleh seorang rapper kawakan, Dr.Dre di bawah label Aftermath/ Interscope pada tahun 1997. Setelah meraih sukses internasional dengan Slim Shady LP pada 1999, Eminem mulai mendirikan sub-rekord sendiri di bawah payung Aftermath dan Interscope, yaitu Shady Records. Eminem lalu merekrut kawan-kawan lamanya di Detroit untuk bergabung dengan perusahaan rekaman barunya.

D12 pun segera dibentuk secara permanen. Saat itu (di tahun 1999), D12 hanya tersisa Proof dan Bizarre (Eminem secara faktual dianggap keluar karena mengejar karier solonya di Los Angeles, California; Eye Kyu, Killa Hawk, Fuzz, dan Blizzard sudah keluar satu per satu dalam perjalanan). Maka Proof merekrut 2 rapper dari grup duo Da Brigade, yaitu Kuniva dan Kon Artis. Setelah itu, Proof juga merekrut jago freestyle yang cukup terkenal di Detroit, yaitu Karnail Paul pitts atau dikenal dengan nama panggung Bugz. D12 pun terbentuk, dengan konsep anggota 6 rapper yang masing-masing punya 2 kepribadian (sehingga total anggotanya seakan-akan 12), mereka adalah: Eminem (a.k.a Slim Shady), Proof (a.k.a Derty Harry), Bugz (a.k.a Robert Beck), Kon Artis (a.k.a Mr.Denaun Porter), Kuniva (a.k.a Rondell Beene), dan Bizarre (a.k.a Peter S. Bizarre). Band ini segera dibentuk dan menandatangani kontrak dengan Shady Records. Tetapi 2 hari setelah penandatanganan kontrak, yaitu pada tanggal 21 Mei 1999, Bugz terbunuh dalam suatu baku tembak di Detroit. D12 akhirnya merekrut Swift a.k.a Swifty McVay untuk menggantikan posisi Bugz. Bugz sendiri dianggap sebagai pahlawan yang terus dikenang dalam berbagai album dan single D12 setelah band ini mencapai kesuksesannya.

Di bawah naungan Shady Records, D12 sudah merilis 2 album yang meraih sukses dalam skala internasional, yaitu Devil's Night pada Juni 2001 yang terjual 4 juta kopi di seluruh dunia dan tersertifikasi double-platinum, dan album yang lebih sukses lagi, yaitu D12 World pada April 2004, yang terjual 500.000 kopi pada minggu pertama debut album ini, dan hingga saat ini terjual 4 juta kopi pula.

Anggota D12 sekarang
Proof a.k.a Derty Harry
Eminem a.k.a Slim Shady
Kon Artis a.k.a Mr.Denaun Porter
Swift a.k.a Swifty McVay
Kuniva a.k.a Rondell Beene
Bizarre a.k.a Peter S. Bizarre

Album dan single

Devil's Night (2001) - debut di #1 US Billboard Chart, #1 UK Billboard Chart, terjual 4 juta kopi secara global
D12 World (2004) - debut di #1 US Billboard Chart, #1 UK Billboard Chart, terjual 4 juta kopi secara global

Shit on You (2001)
911 (2001) featuring Gorillaz
Single album Devil's Night
Purple Pills (2001)
Fight Music (2001)
Single album D12 World
My Band (2004)
How Come (2004)
40 Oz (2004)
U're the One (2004)

Dr. Dre

Dr. Dre - Forgot About Dre

Andre Romelle Young atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Dr. Dre dilahirkan pada 18 february 1965, ia adalah seorang Record Producer, record executive dan aktor, dia adalah founder dan CEO dari aftermath Entertainment dan mantan co-founder dan artis dari Death Row Records, Dr. dre telah memproduce album dan menjadi pondasi dari banyak rapper rapper terdahsyat di dunia contohnya Snoop Dogg, Eminem dam 50 cent .. Dre juga dianggap sebagai salah satu figur utama dalam kemunculan West Coast G-funk jenis musik rap yang kental dengan beat2 berat dan penggunaan synthesizer yang kental

Dr. Dre memulai karir musiknya sebagai anggota dari World Class Wreckin Cru .. tapi yang mengangkat namanya adalah ketika ia bergabung dalam grup Gangsta Rap legendaris "N.W.A" bersama Eazy E, Ice Cube m MC ren dan DJ Yella yang terkenal karena penggunaan lirik2 yang kasar untuk menggambarkan kenyataan yang keras di kehidupan jalanan.. kehidupan yang sangat dekat dengan mereka .

Pada tahun 1992 Dre merilis debut Solonya "The Chronic" yang dikeluarkan oleh Death Row Record .. karena album inilah Dre mendapat pengakuan sebagai salah satu artis rap terhebat sepanjang masa.. album the chronic berhasil menjadikan dre menjadi the best selling american artist pada tahun 1993 dan album ini juga berhasil mendapatkan Grammy award untuk single "let me ride"

Pada tahun 1996 Dre meninggalkan Death Row dan mulai menyiapkan Labelnya sendiri " Aftermath Entertaiment ", dibawah panji aftermath dre kemudian memproduce album kompilasi yang berjudul " DR. Dre Present the aftermath " pada tahun 1996 dan mengeluarkan album solo berjudul "2001" pada 1999 dimana sekali lagi ia memenangkan Penghargaan Producer terbaik pada Grammy Award

Pada era 2000an Dre memfokuskan karirnya untuk memproduce artist2 lain dan terkadang tetap berkontribusi menyumbangkan suara pada album artist2 binaannya DR. dre kemudian mendapatkan tanda tangan Eminem dan 50 cent pada tahun 1996 dan 2003 dan dengan bangga memberkan kontribusi yang tidak sedikit pada album kedua artis ini majalah Rolling Stones menempatkan Dr. Dre sebagai salah satu performer dengan bayaran tertinggi pada tahun 2001 dan 2004..

The Chronic (1992), Death Row
2001 (1999), Aftermath
Detox (2009), Aftermath

Niggaz4Life: The Only Home Video (1992), himself
Set It Off (1996), Black Sam
Up in Smoke Tour (2000), himself
Training Day (2001), Paul
The Wash (2001), Sean

Situs resmi Dr. Dre Klik Di sini

Rabu, 09 November 2011


50 Cent - Candy Shop

Curtis James Jackson III (born July 6, 1975), better known by his stage name 50 Cent, is an American rapper, entrepreneur, investor, record producer, and actor. He rose to fame with the release of his albums Get Rich or Die Tryin' (2003) and The Massacre (2005). Get Rich or Die Tryin' has been certified eight times platinum[clarification needed] by the RIAA. His album The Massacre has been certified five times platinum by the RIAA.
Born in South Jamaica, Queens, Jackson began drug dealing at the age of twelve during the 1980s crack epidemic. After leaving drug dealing to pursue a rap career, he was shot at and struck by nine bullets during an incident in 2000. After releasing his album Guess Who's Back? in 2002, Jackson was discovered by rapper Eminem and signed to Interscope Records. With the help of Eminem and Dr. Dre, who produced his first major commercial successes, Jackson became one of the world's highest selling rappers. In 2003, he founded the record label G-Unit Records, which signed several successful rappers such as Young Buck, Lloyd Banks, and Tony Yayo.

Jackson has engaged in feuds with other rappers including Ja Rule, Nas, Fat Joe, Jadakiss, Cam'ron, Puff Daddy, Rick Ross, and former G-Unit members The Game and Young Buck. He has also pursued an acting career, appearing in the semi-autobiographical film Get Rich or Die Tryin' in 2005, the Iraq War film Home of the Brave in 2006, and Righteous Kill in 2008. 50 Cent was ranked as the sixth best artist of the 2000s by Billboard magazine. The magazine also ranked him as the fourth top male artist and as the third top rapper behind Eminem and Nelly. Billboard magazine also ranked him as the sixth best and most successful Hot 100 Artist of the 2000s and as the number one rap artist of the 2000s. Billboard ranked his album Get Rich or Die Tryin' as the twelfth best album of the 2000s and his album The Massacre as the 37th best album of the 2000s. As of September 2011, 50 Cent is working on his yet-to-be-titled fifth studio album, which is set to be released in November 2011.

Early life

Curtis Jackson III grew up in the South Jamaica neighborhood of Queens, in New York City. He grew up without a father and was raised by his mother, Sabrina, who gave birth to him at the age of fifteen. Sabrina, a cocaine dealer, raised Jackson until the age of twelve, when she was killed in 1988. Twenty-seven at the time, she became unconscious after someone drugged her drink. She was then left for dead after the gas in her apartment was turned on and the windows shut closed. After her death, Jackson moved into his grandparents' house with his eight aunts and uncles. He recalls, "My grandmother told me, 'Your mother's not coming home. She's not gonna come back to pick you up. You're gonna stay with us now.' That's when I started adjusting to the streets a little bit".

Jackson began boxing around the age of eleven. At fourteen, a neighbor opened a boxing gym for local kids. "When I wasn't killing time in school, I was sparring in the gym or selling crack on the strip", he recalled. In the mid 1980s, he competed in the Junior Olympics as an amateur boxer. He recounts, "I was competitive in the ring and hip-hop is competitive too... I think rappers condition themselves like boxers, so they all kind of feel like they're the champ". At the age of twelve, Jackson began dealing narcotics when his grandparents thought he was at after-school programs. He also took guns and drug money to school. In the tenth grade, he was caught by metal detectors at Andrew Jackson High School. He later stated, "I was embarrassed that I got arrested like that... After I got arrested I stopped hiding it. I was telling my grandmother [openly], 'I sell drugs.'"

Following time spent in a correctional boot camp, Jackson adopted the nickname "50 Cent" as a metaphor for "change". The name was derived from Kelvin Martin, a 1980s Brooklyn robber known as "50 Cent". Jackson chose the name "because it says everything I want it to say. I'm the same kind of person 50 Cent was. I provide for myself by any means".

Music career
1996–2000: Early career

Jackson started rapping in a friend's basement where he used turntables to record over instrumentals. In 1996, a friend introduced him to Jam Master Jay of Run-DMC who was organizing his label Jam Master Jay Records. Jay taught him how to count bars, write choruses, structure songs, and how to make a record. Jackson's first official appearance was on a song titled "React" with the group Onyx on their 1998 album Shut 'Em Down. He credited Jam Master Jay as an influence who helped him improve his ability to write hooks. Jay produced Jackson's first album; however, it was never released. In 1999, after leaving Jam Master Jay, the platinum-selling producers Trackmasters took notice of Jackson and signed him to Columbia Records. They sent him to a studio in Upstate New York where he produced thirty-six songs in two weeks. Eighteen were included on his unofficially released album, Power of the Dollar in 2000. He also started the now-defunct Hollow Point Entertainment with former G-Unit affiliate Bang 'Em Smurf.
Jackson's popularity started to increase after the successful but controversial underground single, "How to Rob", which he wrote in half an hour while in a car on the way to a studio. The track comically explains how he would rob famous artists. He explained the reasoning behind song's content as, "There's a hundred artists on that label, you gotta separate yourself from that group and make yourself relevant". Rappers Jay-Z, Kurupt, Sticky Fingaz, Big Pun, DMX, Wyclef Jean and the Wu-Tang Clan replied to the song and Nas, who received the track positively, invited Jackson to travel on a promotional tour for his Nastradamus album. The song was intended to be released with "Thug Love" featuring Destiny's Child, but two days before he was scheduled to film the "Thug Love" music video, Jackson was shot and confined to a hospital due to his injuries.

2000–01: Shooting
On May 24, 2000, Jackson was attacked by a gunman, alleged to be Darryl "Hommo" Baum, outside his grandmother's former home in South Jamaica, Queens. He went into a friend's car, but was asked to return to the house to get jewelry. His son was in the house, while his grandmother was in the front yard. Upon returning to the back seat of the car, another car pulled up nearby. An assailant then walked up to Jackson's left side with a 9mm handgun and fired nine shots at close range. He was shot nine times: in the hand (a round hit his right thumb and came out of his little finger), arm, hip, both legs, chest, and left cheek. The face wound resulted in a swollen tongue, the loss of a wisdom tooth, and a small slur in his voice. His friend also sustained a gunshot wound to the hand. They were driven to the hospital where Jackson spent thirteen days. Baum, the alleged shooter, was killed three weeks later. Baum was also Mike Tyson's close friend and bodyguard.

Jackson recalled the incident saying, "It happens so fast that you don't even get a chance to shoot back.... I was scared the whole time.... I was looking in the rear-view mirror like, 'Oh shit, somebody shot me in the face! It burns, burns, burns.'" In his autobiography, From Pieces to Weight: Once upon a Time in Southside Queens, he wrote, "After I got shot nine times at close range and didn't die, I started to think that I must have a purpose in life... How much more damage could that shell have done? Give me an inch in this direction or that one, and I'm gone". He used a walker for the first six weeks and fully recovered after five months. When he left the hospital, he stayed in the Poconos with his then-girlfriend and son. His workout regime helped him attain his muscular physique.

While in the hospital, Jackson signed a publishing deal with Columbia Records. However, he was dropped from the label and "blacklisted" in the recording industry because of his song "Ghetto Qu'ran". Unable to find a studio to work with in the U.S, he traveled to Canada. Along with his business partner Sha Money XL, he recorded over thirty songs for mixtapes, with the purpose of building a reputation. According to Shady Records A&R Marc Labelle in an interview with HitQuarters, Jackson shrewdly used the mixtape circuit to his own advantage saying, "He took all the hottest beats from every artist and flipped them with better hooks. They then got into all the markets on the mixtapes and all the mixtape DJs were messing with them." Jackson's popularity rose and in 2002, he released material independently on the mixtape, Guess Who's Back?. Beginning to attract interest, and now backed by G-Unit, Jackson continued to release music including 50 Cent Is the Future. The mixtape revisited material by Jay-Z and Raphael Saadiq.

2002–2009: Rise to fame    "In da Club"

The breakthrough single from Get Rich or Die Tryin'.
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In 2002, Eminem listened to a copy of Jackson's Guess Who's Back? CD. He received the CD through Jackson's attorney, who was working with Eminem's manager Paul Rosenberg. Impressed with the album, Eminem invited Jackson to fly to Los Angeles, where he was introduced to Dr. Dre. After signing a $1 million record deal,Jackson released the mixtape, No Mercy, No Fear. It featured one new track, "Wanksta", which was put on Eminem's 8 Mile soundtrack. He was also signed to Chris Lighty's Violator Management and Sha Money XL's Money Management Group.

In February 2003, Jackson released his commercial debut album, Get Rich or Die Tryin'. Allmusic described it as "probably the most hyped debut album by a rap artist in about a decade". Rolling Stone noted the album for its "dark synth grooves, buzzy keyboards and a persistently funky bounce" with Jackson complementing the production in "an unflappable, laid-back flow". It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, selling 872,000 copies in the first four days. The lead single, "In da Club", which The Source noted for its "blaring horns, funky organs, guitar riffs and sparse hand claps", broke a Billboard record as the most listened-to song in radio history within a week.
Interscope granted Jackson his own label, G-Unit Records in 2003. He signed Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo, and Young Buck as the established members of G-Unit. The Game was later signed under a joint venture with Dr. Dre's Aftermath Entertainment. In March 2005, Jackson's second commercial album, The Massacre, sold 1.14 million copies in the first four days-the highest in an abbreviated sales cycle- and peaked at number one on the Billboard 200 for six weeks. He became the first solo artist to have three singles on the Billboard top five in the same week with "Candy Shop", "Disco Inferno", and "How We Do". Rolling Stone noted that "50's secret weapon is his singing voice - the deceptively amateur-sounding tenor croon that he deploys on almost every chorus".
 From left: With Olivia, Lloyd Banks, and Young Buck in Bangkok, Thailand, February 2006

After The Game's departure, Jackson signed singer Olivia and rap veterans Mobb Deep to G-Unit Records. Spider Loc, M.O.P., 40 Glocc and Young Hot Rod later joined the label. Jackson expressed interest in working with rappers outside of G-Unit, such as Lil' Scrappy of BME, LL Cool J from Def Jam, Mase from Bad Boy, and Freeway of Roc-A-Fella, some of whom he recorded with. In September 2007, he released his third album Curtis, which was inspired by his life before Get Rich or Die Tryin'. It debuted at number two on the Billboard 200, selling 691,000 units in the first week, behind Kanye West's Graduation, whom he had a sales competition with, as both albums were released on the same day. He confirmed on TRL on September 10, 2008 that his fourth studio album, Before I Self Destruct, will be "done and released in November". On May 18, 2009, Jackson released a song entitled "Ok, You're Right". The song was produced by Dr. Dre and was included in Before I Self Destruct. In Fall 2009, 50 Cent appeared in the new season of VH1's Behind The Music. On September 3, 2009 months upon the release of his "Before I Self Destruct" album 50 Cent posted a video for the Soundkillers' Phoenix produced track "Flight 187" which introduced his mixtape, the 50th LAW, and was also featured as a bonus track on his iTunes release of Before I Self Destruct. The song ignited speculation that there was tension between rapper 50 Cent and Jay Z for Jackson's comments in the song.